Lady Oriana - Knight of the Shield

Last Updated: March 15, 2014

[ Flaws | Character Stats | Background | Local Knowledge | Campaign Notes ]


Glory-Hound (flaw 1)

  • You have an insatiable desire for glorious combat, fighting recklessly to prove yourself.
  • PRE: Base Attack 1+
  • You suffer a -2 penalty to AC during combat until you drop an opponent.
  • This penalty does not apply if the combat is against a single opponent.

    Harbinger of Ill Omen (flaw 2)

  • You seem to be cursed to forever bump into a specific person, time and time again. Each time you do, something bad happens not long afterward. This person in no way does this purposefully, it just happens with alarming frequency.
  • In game terms, this can be reflected through utilizing a specific instance of the Misfortunate flaw when the Harbinger pops up to cause you to automatically fail a successfully made check of any sort (this does not prevent you from retrying, if such is applicable), or simply be some creatively hindering roleplay situation (DM's discretion).

    Character Stats

  • Character progression plan for Lady Oriana - Knight of the Shield
  • Character Stats for Oriana at level 1 - Chapter 1.



    Local Knowledge


    Campaign Notes


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