Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Home | J.W. Morrice

What it is...(You really thought this page was about Me?)

Chronic fatigue (and Immune Dysfunction) Syndrome (CFS/CFIDS) is a chronic, often debilitating disorder of unknown cause, which affects the brain and the immune system. It is characterized by extreme fatigue and muscle pain due to exercise, and cognitive disorders. In some countries, it has a real name: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

A Royal blue ribbon, similar to AIDS's red ribbon, symbolizes the support to the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is also the symbol of free expression on the Internet...

To learn about it:

May 12 Software:


A PC DOS program that completely automates letter writing for the May 12 Campaign. May 12 is the CFS/CFIDS/ME Interntional Awareness Day. Includes names of Government officials and Medias for the U.S.A., Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Written by me (Lucie Dorais).

May 12 is the CFS/CFIDS/ME Interntional Awareness Day. It was chosen because it is the birthday of nurse Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), who probably suffered from C.F.S.

So what about Me?

My name is Lucie Dorais, I was born in Montréal (Québec, Canada) and I now live in Ottawa, Ont. I have studied Art History, and worked for ten years at the National Archives of Canada.

My other passion is computers, especially programming. I had to retire early because of C.F.S., and now I have plenty of time to write software.

And for those who wonder about the cat(s) in my life: unfortunately, I am very allergic to real ones, so I adopted Neko, the virtual cat created by Masayuki Koba and Dara T. Khani.

Last updated: April 18, 2000

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