Nancy C. Schmeing


Contact Information






































Nancy Claire Schmeing


Education: excelled

PhD, MIT, grade point average 3.6 out of 4.0 max. Physics / Mathematics

BS, University of South Carolina, GPA 5.7 / 6.0 Physics / Mathematics
On literary debating society executive; 8 awards / scholarships

University of Göttingen, Germany, Fulbright Fellow Physics / Mathematics


Research experience: made significant innovations in 2 fields

Physics/Mathematics in North America, 1988-1996:

AECL Chalk River Laboratories Mathematics / Physics

McMaster University NSERC Fellow, Nuclear Physics

University of Montreal Collaborator, Mathematics


Physics in Germany, positions at:

Technical University Munich (exchange professor level)

Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg (postdoctoral)

Nuclear Research Centre, Karlsruhe (staff)


Student research:

DuPont (X-ray diffraction)

USC (water waves; lab instructor)

MIT (cosmology and nuclear theory)


Linguistic experience: building on knowledge

Primary technical German-English translator for agency, 1998-present
3 years professional technical German translation in fields of software localisation (main focus) including manuals and press releases; computer hardware; IT marketing; control systems; several fields of industrial science and engineering; and financial documentation.

More than 4 years in Germany, living and working in German language. Speak, read, write German in business and family life.

English (native language) articles published in journals (scientific) and newspapers (general).



Excellent writing, editing, communication and teaching skills

Very proficient in German, especially understanding complex text

Extensive experience in computing and computer applications

Experienced in Trados applications; licensed user of Freelance Edition

Skills in French, Spanish: fluent