Chapter - Plans for the weekend

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"OK, let me see if I've got this straight. We'll meet at the bus depot. Your bus comes in first, at about 7pm, then Stan and Sarah arrive a half hour later."

Fred paused as Miriam talked. Rodney and John were using his computer in his room, checking some more places for the names from the transcripts. It was Thursday night, and the weekend plans were firming up nicely.

"Rodney and John and I will be there to meet you. Stan and Sarah are staying with her aunt, and you are staying at my place. Mom has the spare room ready."

"Your parents and mine seem to have hit it off."

"No, it's not a problem going canoeing on Saturday. We just go down to the park and put the canoes in at the boat launch. Like I told you, my parents have one and so do Rodney's."

"It seems like we've waited a long time, doesn't it? I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." Fred was cozied up to the phone, back to the guys, talking quietly, almost whispering.

"And we have a hit!" Rodney pointed at the screen.

"Woohoo!" John pounded on the desk. "Hey, Fred! Two of those Nazi names turned up in a discussion group on another game site!"

"Could be a co-incidence." Fred turned back, reluctantly, to look at his friends.

"One is a co-incidence. And we've seen enough of that - lots of places have one of these names, but none of them spouting Nazi venom. Two of them on this site, spouting race hatred like a water fountain."


"Fred, you have an e-mail."

"Can you check who it's from? I'm still on the phone, you know."

John grinned at Rodney, as he opened the mail program. "Fred! Speaking of co-incidences, it's from some guy named Fred. Double co-incidence: the subject is 'Are you busy this weekend?'"

"Fred who?"

"Cantelbury. Do you know someone named Fred Cantelbury?"

"Fred C.!"

"Fred, since when did you become Spanish?" Rodney sounded amused.

"No, that's his initial, C for Cantelbury! He's the counselor from the camp who plays Planetarion. When you get two guys with the same first name, the camp uses the initials of the last name to distinguish them."

Fred turned back to the phone. "Miriam? I want to check this message from Fred C. I'll call you back."

"Yes, I miss you, too."

"Bye for now."

He turned back to find John and Rodney grinning at him.

"Get outta here. Let's see the message."

Hi, Fred R.

We had a special group at the camp this week and we
have Friday afternoon and Saturday off, and Sunday morning.
Angie and I are going to be in your area visiting her father.
I know it's short notice, but are you free any time in that
time? We'd like to get together with you and see
how your investigation is going, and meet your friends.

Fred C.

"Well," Fred remarked. "Looks like you guys get to meet two more people from camp."

"Well, looks like you guys get to meet two more people from camp."

The voices sounded a bit tinny over the speakers.

Warren smiled grimly.

The gunman with him smiled back and waited expectantly.

"It's a good thing those bugs they found were just decoys. Now I know where we can get rid of the body. And pay those kids back for messing up our setup, and putting us to all the work of finding another one."

"The signal seems to be coming from that building up ahead. Is it on the line from the last reading?"

"Seems to be." Constable Robertson marked it on his map "Looks like when they moved out of the 5 story building, they only went a block or so. I guess they don't know we can find their receiver. Unless it's a setup?"

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