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Barefoot, Pregnant and in the Kitchen

Robert's main page

I love feet.
Toes are tickly and tasty.
Sensitive soles inspire sensual stroking.
Arrogant, cunning and sly, that’s the haughty arch.


One day my wife went to the kitchen barefoot to make tuna casserole.
I really planning to help out, until I saw her dainty feet.
It must have been two hours before she got the casserole in the oven.
She made tuna casserole more often after that. So what if the dishes piled up.
She quit work so she could wash them while I was at work - and take time to paint her toenails, recover from morning sickness, and get some sleep.


When she was 7 months pregnant, we got 2 friendly little kittens.
Cats are inspired by feet.
They rasp with their tongues, tickle with their whiskers, rub with their purring faces.
Then they pounce, bite and knead.
When she started coming to bed with scabs and bandages on her feet, I insisted she wear slippers.

In the kitchen

After feeding the baby for the fourth time that night, she stumbled bleary-eyed and barefoot into the dark kitchen, to see what the noise was about.
The cats had wrestled the tuna can out of the garbage.
Then I had to get up in the night to feed and change the squalling baby, while her foot healed.
Now she’s back to work.
I’m still in the kitchen; fending off friendly cats with my bare feet, catching a quick nap when the kid does, and we’ve never had a tuna casserole since.

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Copyright © 1998, 2002 Robert Echlin   Personal Notes